Reading Selection Process
Title I Reading Criteria & Selection Process
Incoming Grade 9 Students and Transfers
Assabet Valley is a Targeted Assistance Title I District. Incoming freshmen are administered the GRADE Reading Test for screening purposes in the spring after they are accepted. Their results are rank ordered. Students who possess reading skills below grade 6 are assigned to Reading Improvement for freshman year. Students assigned to Title I Reading class are then administered the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System for diagnostic purposes. Their results, along with writing samples, are used to determine continued placement or exit from the Title I Reading class.
Most recently our Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System recognizes students reading independently at Level Z to be promoted from Title I Reading Services.
Current 9th, 10th, and 11th Grade Assabet Students
Assabet Valley is a Targeted Assistance Title I District. All upperclassmen enrolled in Reading Improvement are administered the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System and GRADE Reading test in the spring. Their results, along with the reading teacher’s recommendation, determine whether or not the student remains in reading for the following year. Classroom daily performance and grades in their core classes are also used to determine placement.
Prior to this in-depth testing, the students are given a placement pretest on which will determine an approximate grade and lexile level. These levels correspond to a starting point for continued testing with the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System. This assessment system will serve as the foundation for Targeted Assistance Rank Order Placement in Reading. All students currently in Reading and recommended for Reading will be tested throughout the month of September. The Assessment system takes into account 15 different reading criteria.