A formal discipline procedure at Assabet Valley will consist of teacher detention, administrative detention, Saturday School detention, out-of-school suspension, Social Skills Instructional Center (SSIC), exclusion and revocation of class privileges. Any action beyond a teacher detention will result in an entry on the student’s record.
A teacher detention requires a student to attend session(s) after school for infractions of shop or classroom rules. Students will be given one-day notice. Students must report no later than 2:45 PM. Failure to report to teacher detention could result in two (2) administrative detentions.
An administrative detention requires a student to attend an administrative detention after school session for serious violation of school rules. Students will be given one-day notice. Failure to report to administrative detention could result in further disciplinary action.
SOCIAL SKILLS INSTRUCTIONAL CENTER (SSIC) - is an in-house program to which a student may be assigned for a short period of time in lieu of out-of-school suspension. SSIC is designed to counteract many negative effects of suspension. Instructional time can continue without interruption and special academic help can be provided as needed. Counseling services for student experiencing personal, academic, or behavioral difficulties can result in behavioral changes such as improved self-image and greater self-discipline. Students will be in a separate room, eat lunch at a designated time, and be held accountable for school assignments. Behavior modification is the goal of SSIC.
A suspension is a temporary loss of a student’s membership in the school community pending a hearing. Students will be notified of the reasons for the suspension and will have the opportunity to be heard. Suspensions will be served by participation in Saturday School or an Out-of-School suspension. This loss includes all co-curricular activities including cooperative placement.
Students that are suspended will receive additional re-admittance conditions. These conditions will be explained at the re-admittance hearing. The additional consequences may include but are not limited to: administrative detentions, Saturday schools, SSIC, community service and random drug testing.
A Saturday School detention will be served on Saturday mornings from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Assabet Valley. Transportation to and from Saturday School detention is the responsibility of the parent. Failure to serve Saturday School detention could result in an out-of-school suspension. Saturday school will consist of students working on a school improvement project, which could lead them outdoors, and assigned class work.
Additional Information can be found beginning on pp. 25 of the Student Handbook